We had another successful Repair Cafe on Feb 18th at Tytler Public School, organized in collaboration with Two Rivers Neighbourhood Group. This was the 3rd Repair Cafe, organized by the Guelph Tool Library. We had 3 volunteers who were helping with mending clothes, one jewelry repair volunteer, 2 computer repair volunteers, 8 volunteers who were helping fix household appliances and electronics and a number of volunteers to who helped with running the event. Approximately 70 visitors dropped by and more than 30 items where fixed including a couple of coffee machines, a record player, a lawnmower, a speaker, a coffee grinder, and much more. You can see more photos of the event here.
Here is an article about this event on Guelph Today.
This event was sponsored by the Meridian Credit Union, With the Grain and Na-Ha Thai’s Kitchen! Thanks to all of them and all of the volunteers for making this possible.
If you missed this event, don’t worry! There will be many more coming up and the next one will be on Saturday March 25th at St. George’s Angelican Church from 11am to 3pm, as part of the Resilience Festival. Visit our facebook event for more detail about it.