When commenting on our website and social media channels let us engage, help others, and give constructive criticism as if we’re chatting at one of our events.
Let’s commit to building and strengthening relationships based on ongoing dialogue and mutual respect.
Please be legal, respectful, relevant, and aware.
1) Be legal. Do not post comments that are libellous, defamatory, obscene, abusive or contain otherwise illegal content.
2) Be respectful. You should not make others feel unsafe or unwelcome. You should not threaten, written or otherwise, others.
3) Be relevant. Your comments should be on-topic and not self-promoting (unless that’s the topic).
4) Be aware. This site and related social media accounts are not monitored 24/7. Posts may be moderated and decisions should be considered final. Postings are subject to all applicable Federal, Provincial and State legislation. See more about how jurisdictions interpret interpersonal communications online.
Again, let’s act as if we’re enjoying a conversation at an event. Please be constructive.
See more Guidelines and Policies.