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Seed: The Untold Story fundraiser movie screening

Come support the Guelph Seed Library and the Grow Garden by watching the movie Seed: the Untold Story and staying for snacks and a discussion about seed saving at Miijidaa afterwards.

What is a Seed Library? A seed library is a collection of seeds where members can “borrow” seeds. This means they take a package/or a number of seeds, grow them and save a similar quantity or more to give back to the seed library for the next year. We understand that not all crops are successful so if we don’t get the same crop back that’s ok! We do ask that you donate some seeds that you have purchased or saved in return for the seeds you borrowed. The Guelph Seed Library is located in the Guelph Tool Library, 131 Ontario st.

The Grow Garden is a teaching community garden developed by Transition Guelph’s Urban Food Working Group. The garden is located at Grace Community Church. The aim of the garden is to help folks learn to garden and grow food for themselves. We would like to give people a chance to understand the importance of a a fresh food diet, while also helping relieve some of the strain on their monthly food budget. The excess food will be donated to a few emergency food shelves in Guelph which also feed those in need during times of need.

Tickets are available online through the link below, or at the Guelph Tool Library any time during operating hours

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