(listen here)
Hi! Welcome!
If you’re reading this, thanks for poppin’ by. It’s been a few weeks since I released an episode. I’m still figuring out the ropes here, pretty much every aspect of this podcast is new to me, and I can be a slow learner. Thank you for your patience.
A lot has happened since our last episode. George Floyd was murdered by police, and every day since then, cities in the United States and all over the world have been holding protests in his name. Shortly before this episode was recorded (on June 10th) my own city of Guelph held a solidarity march for Black Lives Matter. Unfortunately, I don’t see my city engaging openly in the process of reconciliation. Though we’ve made our desires known, called for defunding at a local level, for officers on the force with strikes on their records to step down, for our city to host an open town hall so we can speak formally on our beliefs. None of those things have happened yet.
I know this podcast is listened to mostly at a local level. We don’t talk about what’s going on in Guelph, but my hope is that my Guelph listeners will listen to this and be maybe a little inspired to become more involved in reconciliation, education and sustainability on a local, national and international scale. No matter how light or heavy the weight, it’s easier to lift with more hands.
If you’re wondering what this has to do with the Russian mafia, please listen in.
Like always, the views expressed here are my own and do not reflect the values of the Guelph Tool Library.
Donate to your local BLACKLIVESMATTER chapter, or organization supporting black Canadians