Our resident librarian is at it again!
Brandon is conducting an innovative new type of research to inform us about how the tool library can improve.
Would you like to do an information horizon interview???
Sound cool? It is! The whole process takes less than 30 minutes, it’s wicked fun, and your input will shape the next steps the tool library takes in growing Guelph’s sharing economy. All you have to do is email Brandon and express an interest. He’ll meet up with you during one of his tool library shifts or at a time of your choosing. We’ll only be collecting interviews for the next two or three weeks, so if you’d like to get involved don’t delay!
“Am I eligible to participate?” you ask. All you need to be is..
- someone who has used a tool library at least once (and it doesn’t need to be Guelph’s)
- an adult from a non-vulnerable population
- willing to part with 30 minutes of your time for a VERY worthy cause!
So don’t delay and shoot Brandon and email to get more details.